In between enormous meals of endless television serials, do you sometimes crave for something short, real, and meaningful? Do you want a beginning and ending in one sitting with a new character each episode?
We thought so...we present

A Zoomcast beyond the ordinary. Unscripted conversations centered on spiritual health and human values. Hosted by Dr. George Grant.
Series Three: "Conversations in Clinical Spiritual Health"
Personalities in Spiritual Health and Psychedelic Medicine
Episode One: Nicholas Van Dam, Ph.D., University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Episode 2: Rabbi Zac Kamenetz, MA, Founder and CEO of Shefa - Jewish Psychedelic Support in Berkeley, CA
Series Two: "Emotions"
Identifying what we are feeling is a very important challenge throughout our life. Our emotions “can get the best of us” in positive and negative ways. This series provides brief explorations of pivotal emotions that can lead to a healthier relationship to self and to others.
Episode One: Serenity
Series One: "Joy at Work"
Dr. Jon Lewin, CEO of Emory Healthcare, encourages a culture of joy in the workplace. Series One brings these stories to life.
Hosted by: George H. Grant, PhD
Special Guest: Violet Chambers
February 4, 2021
Hosted by: George H. Grant, PhD
Special Guest: Kim Bentley
October 25, 2020
Hosted by: George H. Grant, PhD
Special Guest: Jimmy Lee
November 11, 2020
Hosted by: George H. Grant, PhD
Special Guest: April Mount
October 8, 2020
Hosted by: George H. Grant, PhD
Special Guest: Robin Brown-Haithco
September 10, 2020