About Us

Emory Spiritual Health embraces the traditional religious care provided by professional health care chaplains, but also expands to include spiritual and cultural qualities associated with whole person health. Rituals and prayers from particular faith traditions and active listening continue to be important functions in responding to distress. Spiritual Health also incorporates evidence-based interventions derived from a wide circle of spiritual and emotional practices such as Cognitively-Based Compassion Training (CBCT®), Compassion-Centered Spiritual Health (CCSH™), critical incident stress debriefing, chronic illness group work, grief counseling and various music and art therapies.
Our Emory Spiritual Health Clinicians prepare themselves through rigorous certifications to provide consultations that bring spiritual comfort, target symptoms and bring relief to behaviors that impede health. Our role on the interdisciplinary team is critically integrated with improved health outcomes whether a person survives an illness or achieves a peaceful death.
Meet Our Executive Director
George H. Grant, MDiv, PhD
Executive Director for Spiritual Health Woodruff Health Sciences Center, Emory University
Dr. Grant, a psychologist and theologian, is the Executive Director for Spiritual Health in the Woodruff Health Sciences Center at Emory University. He is responsible for the education of spiritual health clinicians, the service of spiritual health to patients and staff across Emory Healthcare and a scientific research arm driving evidence-based outcomes.
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