Wendy Wyche, M.Div

ACPE Certified Educator Candidate, EUH
Wendy Wyche Profile Image

Chaplain Wendy Wyche obtained a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School and a B.A. in Religious Studies from Southern Methodist University. She is currently an ACPE Certified Educator Candidate with Emory Spiritual Health. She completed a chaplain internship at Dana Farber Cancer Institute/Brigham Women’s Hospital and two chaplain residencies with Emory Center for Pastoral Services. She is a board-certified chaplain and a certified EPEC trainer (End of Life and Palliative Care Interdisciplinary trainer).

Wendy also has experience with chronic illness, grief, interdisciplinary care, and creative spiritual care engaging the arts. She is a Title Certified Educator Candidate, Staff Chaplain for Solid Organ Transplant, Responsibility Educator for Emory CPE Interns, and Spiritual Care Provider for patients, family and staff.

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